"How SeaWorld Orcas Went Up, Over And Almost Exited Their Tanks":
"On Monday, Moscow police verified what had been rumored for months: Two orcas taken more than a year ago from Russia’s Okhotsk Sea are being held in two small tanks in the Russian capital. They will be put on public display in the coming months."
http://www.takepart.com/article/2014/10/28/activists-fight-free-killer-whales-russia "In a landmark ruling on Wednesday, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a measure stating that cetaceans, or whales, dolphins and porpoises, have the right to be free from life in captivity."
https://www.thedodo.com/san-francisco-cetacean-rights-777140486.html?xrs=RebelMouse_fb# Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Offers a New View of Killer Whales: For the first time, scientists have used an unmanned aerial vehicle to photograph killer whales from above. This gives scientists a new way to monitor killer whale health and reproduction while giving us all a stunning new view of the species.
http://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/podcasts/2014/10/aerial_vehicle_killer_whale.html#.VEkutvnF-So Some analysis of the Northern resident orca drone footage that was recently captured, via Whale and Dolphin Conservation:
http://uk.whales.org/blog/ullaludewig/2014/10/drone-footage-provides-information-about-health-status-of-orcas-in-canada Southern resident orca calf L120 has not been seen with his/her mother of late. This is very sad news for this dwindling community.
http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/canada/british-columbia/orca-calf-born-in-salish-sea-has-died-researchers-believe-1.2807945 Some fantastic orca photos collected here:
http://www.seattlepi.com/local/slideshow/Orcas-from-multiple-resident-pods-visit-95818.php A fantastic account of an orca encounter off the coast of Svalbard and Greenland by Elfyn Pugh, a marine mammal surveyor with Organisation Cetacea:
http://www.bdmlr-orcaaware.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/svalbard-orca-sighting-with-orca.html From Moscow, Idaho screening on 16-10-2014 Part 1: An update on the meeting organised off the back of the petition asking British Airways to reconsider selling trips to SeaWorld.
https://www.change.org/p/british-airways-stop-selling-trips-to-seaworld-end-your-support-for-these-cruel-orca-circuses/u/8447019 |
January 2017