We are sad to report that of the three remaining animals live-stranded ashore at Port Heiðar, in northern Iceland, two were euthanised as "they were not expected to live in spite of rescue efforts". A further two animals had already died (one a calf). Two individuals were able to get back out to sea. It is unclear at present why these orca came ashore, but we hope that there will be a scientific investigation into the cause of stranding. To read the original article (translated via Google Translate), please visit: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=is&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http://www.ruv.is/frett/fimm-hahyrningar-i-fjorunni And to read the update (translated via Google Translate), please visit: http://translate.google.nl/translate?hl=nl&sl=is&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.visir.is%2Fhahyrningarnir-skotnir%2Farticle%2F2013130439994 The original articles can be found at http://www.ruv.is/frett/reyna-ad-bjarga-hahyrningum-ur-fjoru and http://www.visir.is/hahyrningarnir-skotnir/article/2013130439994
1 Comment
Six killer whales stranded in northern Iceland today, two are now dead (one a calf) and one individual is back out to sea, now reportedly waiting just offshore. Rescue attempts are currently taking place. This is very sad news! Follow the link to read the translated article:
http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=is&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ruv.is%2Ffrett%2Ffimm-hahyrningar-i-fjorunni "Six killer whales swam up to the shore in Port Heiðar the Northeast, about 20 kilometers from Torshavn, today. One was soon back into the sea. Björgunarsveitarmenn the rescue Hafliði in Torshavn now trying to save others. Two killer whales are dead, one of them calves." Orca off South Africa missing its right pectoral fin (video footage) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151650498219750
Fantastic video footage of orca jumping & swimming alongside a motorboat in Mexico - http://on.aol.com/video/amazing-video--pod-of-killer-whales-jump-alongside-boat-517759059
5-6 orcas were filmed attacking six sperm whales off the coast of Sri Lanka on April 19th! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tielUPfyzaY The Free Morgan Foundation, with help from Veronica W., Sam Simon and all supporters, has won 25,000 euros through the Bille's Celeb Charity Challenge. Message from the FMF Facebook page:
"A BIG thank you for all your support to help us win 25,000 euros on The Bille's Celeb Charity Challenge, it was a FINtastic team effort - the money will go towards the fight for orca Morgan's freedom! To find out more about Morgan and the work that we do, please visit www.freemorgan.org and you can follow us on Twitter @free_morgan. Thank you once again!" Oil spills are dangerous for the entire marine ecosystem, including orca. Corexit has been used as an oil spill solution, but this article looks at how it may be worse than the problem: "Once heralded as tidy way to clean up spreading slicks, the chemical agent has proven toxic for sea life—and humans."
http://www.takepart.com/article/2013/04/17/corexit-deepwater-horizon-oil-spill?cmpid=tp-twtr SeaWorld have started trading shares on the New York Stock Exchange and animals rights organisation PETA have bought some: the group ensured it was sufficient enough, "to give us the right to attend and speak at annual meetings and to submit shareholder resolutions asking for policy changes."
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/348462#ixzz2RBirpH00 The deal is being underwritten by companies such as JP Morgan and Barclays: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/seaworld-entertainment-inc-announces-closing-of-initial-public-offering-of-29900000-shares-of-common-stock-2013-04-24 The Guardian newspaper reports on documentary "Blackfish" which tackles the subject of killer whale captivity, focusing particuarly on Icelandic-caught SeaWorld orca Tilikum. Have a read of what they have to say:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/apr/14/killer-whale-seaworld-orlando A big congratulations to orca researcher Erich Hoyt (Whale & Dolphin Conservation & Far East Russia Orca Project) for winning this year's European Cetacean Society
Conservation Award! http://whales.org/en/blog/chrisbutler-stroud/2013/04/wdcs-own-erich-hoyt-has-won-ecs-conservation-award |
January 2017