Christina has been a lifelong orcaholic…. her love of orcas and all cetaceans started from a very young age even though she grew up far from the sea. The love for orca grew after visiting Sea world Orlando in the late 80’s, but as magical as the show was to a 6-year old, Christina knew from then that this wasn’t the life for any whale or dolphin and grew up wanting to do all she could to end captivity and whaling. Over the years the pull to the sea and cetaceans grew and always watched for fins whenever out at sea. Christina discovered that we had orca in UK waters, and that was the final push for her to start chasing her childhood dreams of helping in the conservation of all cetaceans, the oceans and other marine mammals.
Since the first orca watch Christina has trained as a Marine mammal observer and protected species observer, a marine mammal surveyor for ORCA, volunteered as a remote education and outreach officer for Sea Watch Foundation as well as volunteering at Orca watch and collecting data whenever near the sea. Christina also trained as a BDMLR marine mammal medic and quickly became assistant area coordinator for the midlands, and recently became the Area coordinator for the area. She has also used her love of art to design an anti-captivity and awareness clothing range. |